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Super Mentor


Source: Eithne Bryan

my bio and music in a few languages

Source: Godsgirltrish
Source: PopWorks

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for holistic fun!

My sayings which can calm down stressful situations: it works!

For not rushing: everything takes time, even instant coffee (or light years!)

About reputation: status is only ephemeral if you do not do noblesse oblige.

About self realization: express yourself in what you love then positively share it; that is YOUR zen

About caring and feeling good: compassion is the shield against any lurking Darkness.

About perfection: perfection does not exist, to do your best is the only perfection.

About "success": faults, errors, accidents do happen by cosmic probability: do the least of them, learn the most from it and share back its lessons the best you can, that is true success.

About limits: All has limits from the size of a planet to a glass of water. Push your limits but, the limit is there again to stay after a while.

By understanding that, you can go further within yourself.

Source: Turkcell


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